Revive our
Thousands of acres in North Dakota have been contaminated & deadened, sterilized by saltwater chemical spills, through decades of careless oil production.
The aftermath of big oil has destroyed rich farmland and wildlife sanctuaries in western North Dakota. It effects us all. Without a diversity of healthy plants creating oxygen, global warming and climate change continues to significantly increase. The contamination must stop, the soil needs to be renewed to health again. We are the Salted Lands & Water Council, a nonprofit working to move industry and government to action. Let's revive the Dead Lands of North Dakota!
Acres of
contaminated farmland
Poisoned wildlife area acres
Families & farms effected
Earth for US to Protect
A vision to
To reclaim thousands of acres of farmland damaged by the oil industry.
To return salt-damaged farmland back into production to help feed and nourish the world.
To protect and conserve soil and water quality for farmers and rural communities.
To provide economic stability to local communities by eliminating the economic liability of salt-contaminated land.
To support local communities by developing reclamation expertise creating jobs that will last longer than the oil industry.

Help to Reclaim | Restore | Revive the land for future generations. Your donation today will be used to fund a court order for the reclamation of our devastated farmland, wildlife areas – the devastated & dead lands of western North Dakota. If successful, all contributors can be refunded in full by the Salted Lands Council – know that your contribution today will leverage reclamation funding over the next decade and beyond.